A high number of patients are interested in having a rhinoplasty in Turkey, i.e. nose job in Turkey. Many of them planning to have rhinoplasty in Istanbul search for the best nose job Istanbul.

In the evaluation made before the rhinoplasty surgery; questioning the complaints, performing aesthetic facial analysis, determining the nose that can be compatible with your face, and determining functional problems for a good breath are highly important for the surgery to be successful.

Questioning the Complaints

The evaluation before rhinoplasty starts with listening the complaints and expectations of the patient. Explaining all your complaints and expectations leading you to this surgery before you have a rhinoplasty helps your doctor to have a clearer information.

Pre-Rhinoplasty Process, with the detailed physical examination to be conducted, both your nasal and facial structure in terms of aesthetics and intranasal anatomy in terms of the openness of airway are evaluated.

Facial Analysis

It is important whether there is asymmetry on your face or not. Asymmetries on the face may cause the nose to appear curved, and small chin or cheek protrusions may cause the nose to appear larger than it is.

The thickness of the nasal skin is one of the major determinants of the results to be obtained after the surgery. Thick skins fit more difficultly on the skeleton created after rhinoplasty surgery.

The symmetry of nasal tip cartilages, the width, height, raisedness of the nasal tip, the angle between the nose and the lip, nasal wings, nasal dorsum, the relationship between nasal dorsum and nasal tip, nasal root and the angle between nose and forehead are evaluated.

In men, the passage from nasal dorsum to nasal tip is desired to be straight or close to straight whereas in women, it is desired to have a level difference between nasal tip and nasal dorsum somewhat at the break point called “supratip break point”.

The average angle between the nose and the lips is 110 degrees in women, causing a more upturned and feminine look. The fact that the same angle is 90-95 degrees in men creates a strong and masculine expression.

Functional evaluation of the nose

The evaluation of the nose in terms of breathing is done with camera systems called Endovision. The presence of deviations in the nasal cavity (septum deviation), enlarging of conchas and structures that have the task of warming and humidifying the air that block the airway, problems that can often be fixed by medical treatment such as allergy and sinusitis can be detected.

After the rhinoplasty evaluation, your nose is examined by your doctor. After the examination, photos are taken from front, right and left oblique, right, and left side, bottom and top.

Firstly, all photographs should be evaluated with the patient and the points to be adjusted should be seen together; because many people do not know how the face and nose look from different angles.

Then, with advanced simulation programs, what kind of an appearance can be obtained as a result of the changes to be done by rhinoplasty is evaluated. Not all doctors prefer to do simulation study.

As per my own approach, I make a simulation on the photographs I have taken of each patient before the surgery with the help of a computer and I share the approximate image that will take place after rhinoplasty with themselves. Because during these studies, I can elaborate on exactly what kind of nose my patient wants and how her expectations can be met.

Routinely, we invite all of our patients whose surgery appointments are scheduled 1 week before the day of surgery for the second time for a detailed planning of the surgery. In this meeting, we review all the things to be done again and prepare a document. By this way, we prefer to start the operation with fresh information.

What you should pay attention to before the rhinoplasty surgery?

Before rhinoplasty, you should pay attention to some issues. These are;

• On the day of your surgery, you should definitely come to the hospital with a hunger period that is notified to you (this hunger period is determined as 6-8 hours).

• Your anesthesiologist will see you and evaluate your suitability for anesthesia. During this evaluation, a situation that is not important to you may actually be of great medical importance. For this reason, it is useful to share every information in detail.

• Your anesthesiologist will see you and evaluate your suitability for anesthesia. During this evaluation, a situation that is not important to you may actually be of great medical importance. For this reason, it is useful to share every information in detail.

• If you have chronic illness and medications you use regularly, you should report them. You can also take the boxes of the medication you use with you.

• Medication or foods that will affect the fluidity of the blood should not be used 1 week before your surgery since they increase the bleeding during the operation. You should definitely inform your doctor especially if you are using anticoagulants. You may need to stop using some teas and herbal supplements.

• Smoking has negative effects on recovery after rhinoplasty, so you should stop smoking at least 2 weeks before your surgery and you should not smoke after the surgery as well.

• Wash your face with soap before rhinoplasty. Do not apply make up and take off all the metals on you. Do not forget to remove your nail polish and nail varnish.

• In order to be able to dress comfortably after the surgery, take buttoned or clothes that are comfortable on the collar with you.

• If you feel comfortable and your anesthesiologist sees fit, you may have surgery while you are on your period.